When you're chasing your dreams, staying committed means you need to connect with your future self and immerse yourself in your vision. It's about living from the end—creating your vision, then staying anchored there. This means acting and thinking like you've already achieved it, shifting energetically into that future state of being.
Now, I get it, this might sound a bit out there, but that's how imagination works to create what we want. Every single thing in our world started as a thought, then turned into reality. Imagination holds that much power.
Ready to discover the secrets to staying committed to your goals?
You can find them in my book, "Wake Up - Do the Work - Save Humanity.".
So, how do you tap into this? Start simply. Sit back, close your eyes, and think about your dream, your goal, your vision. Picture it in detail, then imagine you're already there. Feel the joy, the gratitude, and the sense of accomplishment. Let those feelings wash over you. Do this every morning to set the tone for your day. Then, act like you’re already living that dream. If you envision your company going global, start leading like you’re already in charge of a multinational empire.
Of course, life happens. You might get off track—maybe you miss your morning routine or feel overwhelmed. That’s normal, we all slip up now and then. What matters is realigning with your vision because how you feel and who you are matters most.
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Practical Ways to Connect with Your Vision
Create a Vision Board (Dream Map) Grab a big piece of paper (poster-size works great) and start your vision board. If you take it seriously, it might take a month to finish. Start by writing down exactly what you want in every part of your life—finances, family, career, hobbies. Then, find images that resonate with your dreams.
Consider tapping into universal energies by creating your map during a new moon, which is ideal for setting new intentions. Divide your board into sections, with the center representing who you are and who you’re becoming. Make it fun, and include only what you really want because this exercise is a form of manifestation. Place your board where you’ll see it every day to stay inspired. Revisit it every few months to update and add new goals as your dreams evolve.
Create a Digital Vision Board Not into paper? No problem. Use Canva or Pinterest to create a digital board. Save images that inspire you and set it as your phone or laptop background. When you look at it, let it evoke the feelings of your vision coming to life.
Write Out Your Goal Image Prefer words over images? Write out your ideal day as if it's happening now—like, “I wake up in our villa in Portugal and meditate by the pool.” Be specific. Write about 50 things you’ll be, do, or have when you reach your goal.
Practice Gratitude Gratitude amplifies what you already have and opens the door for more. Each morning or evening, jot down what you’re grateful for using phrases like, “I’m so thankful for…” Make it powerful by adding why you’re grateful, and let those emotions fill you up.
Acknowledge How Far You’ve Come To keep the momentum going, regularly reflect on your achievements. Whether it’s with a morning coffee or a monthly CEO Hour, take time to appreciate all you’ve accomplished. This reflection isn’t just about recognizing progress; it’s about celebrating it.
Make Identity Your Focus Who you become dictates how your life unfolds. Instead of thinking you need to do or have something first, start by being the person who can lead that life. Write down who you are when you’ve achieved your dreams—how you act, speak, and interact with others. This identity is key to manifesting your vision.
Visualize Your Goals Visualization is a proven technique. Whether it's athletes preparing for a competition or you visualizing your dream life, the brain can’t tell the difference between what's real and what's imagined. Picture scenes that would only happen if your dream came true, and feel the emotions as if it’s happening now.
Meditation Meditation isn’t just for relaxation; it’s a powerful tool for manifestation. Whether it’s guided meditations or mindfulness techniques, find what resonates with you and incorporate it into your routine. It helps clear your mind, focus your energy, and align with your vision.
Want more? Join My Brand-New Masterclass!
If you're ready to dive deeper into these techniques and break free from self-sabotage, join my Saboteurs Masterclass here. Together, we’ll explore how to overcome the mental barriers holding you back.
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Here's 10 books that I strongly recommend to anyone wanting to transform themselves from within.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
No Bad Parts by Dr Richard Schwartz
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
How I raised myself from failure to success in selling by Frank Betger
5 Languages of Love by Gary Chapman
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
Psycho-cybernetics by Dr Maxwell Maltz
Remember: the very first step to massive impact starts from within.
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Paulina Stankiewicz C-suite Coaching is a company founded by Paulina Stankiewicz, based in the Netherlands.
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Paulina Stankiewicz C-suite Coaching.
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